mandag 17. september 2012


I am finally back in Norway, struggling to put together all of my experiences and process them. One way I deal with the reflection by myself is by post-processing sketches and illustrations. They show me some my clearest images where the hand and the mind is connected. I want to make a large collection of small images, as this is truly the image of Tokyo. Every sketch represents a unique situation and atmosphere. It is a very fragile, but delicate moment. Maybe after less than one minute I might have moved position, or the situation has changed, giving a completely new picture. But the memory lingers on, and continues to build upon my knowledge of the city. Liven knowledge.

Tomorrow I will have my first tutoring since my return, and I will hopefully choose my direction precisely after that. I am currently focusing on doing a project on the historical/cultural path that goes from Ueno through Asakusa and over Sumida river.

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