onsdag 22. august 2012


"Mobility in the 20th century is characterized by the combination of horizontal (vehicular) and vertical (elevator) movement. The efficiency of this system has so far defined our framework of space. But perhaps it is time to consider a new logic that is based on a wider premise. The possibility of a three-dimensional mobility, the redefinition of building boundaries, and the reconsideration of the relationship between the city’s geography and climate are all issues worth exploring."

Akihisa Hirata, Towards a New Cityscape, JA 82/2011
"Jo høyere vi bygger, jo mer teknologisk avanserte vi blir, desto flatere blir vårt bevegelsesmønster og med det vår livsverden. Vi bygger for høyt for trapper og kan ikke lenger klatre, vi må løftes på plass [...] Man får ingen opplevelse av omgivelsenes forandring og ingen genuin forståelse av hastighet, målestokk eller størrelse.

Christian Lysvåg, ArkitekturN 03/12
"Rapid urbanisation has bred increasing numbers of people who have never known the joys of rural life, chasing rabbits in mountains, fishing for crucians in streams, whose only home is a tiny appartment in some huge city."

Kakuei Tanaka, former Prime Minister of Japan

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